October 26, 2010

Spotted Gars And Shad

Yesterday's post sounded like depression talking.  That's what it sounds like.  Actually, it sounds worse.  Anyhow, I'm all good now - or at least I feel better.

Spent some time alongside the bridge.  I counted 10 spotted gars hanging out.  They are eating baitfish.  I somehow managed to catch two of the baitfish on one hook yesterday.  I looked them up and found out they are "Gulf Menhaden" (pretty sure).  I'm guessing that we call them "shad", although technically they aren't.  Whatever.

Today, I had a gar on the line.  I was going for my net when he lurched himself free.

I am totally enjoying the challenge of catching one of those gars on my fly rod.  I've tried several flies.  I now have three fishing spots cleared.  The gar is proving to be way hard to catch.  First, they just sit there.  They don't seem to go out of their way to hunt.  They just sit.  It's up to you to drop or drag the fly in striking distance.  Once they go for the fly, they spit the thing out pretty quick or either flop around and spit.  When a bass hits, he's hooked.  This guy can throw hooks easy. (wow I just had de ja vu --- I just love "medicine")

Tonight I tried making a fly that will mimic the Menhaden... can I just call it shad???  Yeah.  I made a shad fly.  Look forward to trying it tomorrow.

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