July 3, 2011

Poker Game

I sat next to a Presbyterian Minister in this poker game.  I haven't had so much fun playing poker ever.  I don't know what it was.  It was a good poker game.  There were church people around and I liked them.  I was like, "Can we play again???"

This is a funny aside: Something came up about seeing the bottom card on the deck and I brought up the night that I was called for cheating.  John, the house guy, didn't even remember.  Neither did Tom.  It was funny.  These two hadn't even thought twice about what I took to be some big deal.  It was two years ago and I can still remember it like it was yesterday.

I made a lot of friendships at work - really good friendships.

PS: Looks like I'm heading to Washington State for some flyfishing with Kris.

PPS: I'm getting to be happy again... like for real...  I forgot what it was like.  Why on earth does that tortuous period take place?  My goodness.


Kim said...

Yay! Funny. I was thinking about that same thing last night...how awful that was when they thought you cheated. And I was sooooo hoping that you were having fun last night.

Kim said...

I love that you are happy again. I can't wait to see you tonight!

Keith said...

Centennial Park tomorrow!