June 7, 2011


I read into boat design today.  I had a moment.  I realized that I can do it.

Went to Home Depot with Kaley to look into leveling compounds for the garage.  Looks way too expensive.  Thinking of building a big table-like platform.

The past few posts are the norm for me when I'm in that creative discombobulated zone.  I'm screaming that I can't do anything.  That I'm an idiot.  That I don't know squat.

Whether I like it or not, I'm going to build a boat.

The trip to Ross Lake is even in question as I'm prodding - and even planning it.

PS: Actually every post back to May 25 has boat building themes.

PPS: Yesterday, all the sudden, I could see the boat in my head... then I pictured an airplane and said, "I could do that too"... then a rocket ship came to mind... then I thought, "Is that what this is about?"  These vessels?

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