March 28, 2007

Blueberry Ralph Nada

Fast Frame is almost in production next to Starbucks. I did notice boxes of molding. And noted that the molding was Canadian.

Sandy said, "Vintee". I said, "Tall." She said, "Huh?" I said, "I'm on a reduction plan." She said, "Huh?" I said, "I'm downsizing my coffee cup." Then Molly Ringwald said something... and Sandy said, "Oh. Something to eat?"

I ordered a Blueberry Ralph Nader. Sandy said she hadn't heard that name in a long time. I said, "Well empenada and Ralph Nader." She said that most people wouldn't say that. I said, "Yeah, I can see why, 'Blueberry Ralph Nader'."

Molly snorted. She snorted. Then she poured my tall coffee.

I've noticed two people wearing white Curt Cobain sunglasses. I think I have been listening to too much Nirvana. I have 18 songs and I've listened to them over and over for about 3 months. I'm stuck in 1993. That was a good year though.

What Febuary 20, 1993?


Anonymous said...

I'm lost with the Ralph Nader reference...can you explain to this slow brain?


Keith said...

It was sorta stupid. Well maybe real stupid.

When I asked for the empanada. The "Nada" stood out. And "Nada" reminded me of "Nader". So I asked for a Ralph Nader.

This wasn't a political plug.

And the Nada made sense to them, possibly, because once the blueberry filled empanada had very little filling... And I told them that the last empanada put the nada in empanada.

But I'm afraid Molly Ringwald may have been displeased with a reference to Ralph Nader which means... something might go wrong with the morning cup.

I don't know.

We suffer from the same bloodline, Robert! It is a terrible fate. And look, I've gone and extended the bloodline. Not just once, but twice!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you asked, Robert, because I didn't get it either!

Anonymous said...

February 20th, 1993.... now WHAT happened on that date??? I know it was something..

Keith said...

February 20th, 1993... Yeah, that rings a bell.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the explaination. Let's see Feb 20th 1993...was that your wedding day? I was there, just don't remember the exact day. I was probably thinking about how I was going to ask out my wife on our first date which was in Mar 1993.


Keith said...

Bingo! That day is such a fog. It seems like it was in another lifetime or something.

That was post-Russia... which was surreal.

About that time I graduated from school and could not find a job other than plumbing.

Looks like you made the right choice on how to ask your wife out.

On my first attempt to ask Kim out, she couldn't for some lame reason... She wasn't playing hard to get, she just had something else better to do.

When we finally did go out, I had zero cash. We went to Dairy Queen and got a milkshake or something.... then went to walk along Town Lake in Austin. I think we talked about music, I think I was impressed because Kim liked Led Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd.